© 2010-2024 PLAT ASIA


  • Idea Exchange | The first session of the PA+ Series talks about what/when/where of PLAT ASIA


  • Project | Baiyinkulun Volcano-In Visitor Center designed by PLAT AISA is under construction in August


    photo by Bian Baoyang


  • Charity | PLAT ASIA’s volunteers prepare a creative architecture class for children Smile Angel Foundation supports


  • Forum | Architect JUNG Donghyun take a speech at the 1st JianJie Design Forum


  • Awards | Ordos Smart Sports Park won the 2nd Prize at CITY’SCAPE AWARD 2024


  • Exhibition | Cloud Tea Room participate in the opening exhibition {THE MULTIVERSE OF TEA} hosted by China Natural Dye Plants Museum in July in Nanjing - XiaoXiHu


    (Poster credits/The exhibition Curator)

  • Press | Cloud Tea Room has been published in French magazine Beaux Arts at n481-482


    Learn more

  • Reported | FRAME reports the Xi Garden Art Office as an art-centered workplace that connects inspiration to the community


    Read more at FRAME

  • Project | The tent hotel in Baiyinkulun Steppe & Volcano Resort has been recently installed and constructed at the site


    photo: Bian Baoyang

  • Media | Sanya Valley Restaurant (SHINKAI By Yotsuba) is published on leading design media, gooood, Archello, etc.


  • Press | International sports facility magazine “sb” published Ordos Smart Sports Park at 2/2024 in Germany


  • Press | Aranya Hidden Place Hotel is published on Architectural Practice Aug 2023


  • Awards | Ordos Smart Sports Park won the shortlisted projects on the 10th CREDAWARD


  • Press | LAK (Landscape Architecture Korea) magazine published the Ordos Smart Sports Park at issue 432, Apr 2024


    more details: link


  • Press | Ordos Smart Sports Park is published on Landscape Architecture Apr 2024


  • Reports | Ordos Smart Sports Park is reported by People’s Daily


  • Press | FuturArc magazine published Ordos Smart Sports Park at 1Q 2024 - Health/Wellness


  • Exhibition | Ordos Smart Sports Park exhibit as a presenter at exhibition SONG OF THE EARTH Artistic Documentary for a Better China 2024


  • Press | Italian magazine TOPSCAPE published the Ordos Smart Sports Park at Issue 55(2024-2)


    learn more: link


  • Press | French Magazine Beaux Arts recognized the blends between fields and landscape at Ordos Smart Sports Park


    Ordos Smart Sports Park published at n477 of Beaux Arts Magazine


  • Media | PLAT ASIA unveil the concept scheme for Volcano Visitor Center of Baiyinkunlun Steppe & Volcano Geopark on architecture media Archi Position


  • Awards | Two projects designed by PLAT ASIA won the nominations at ArchDaily 2024 Building of the Year Awards


    Vote for us, thanks!

    Aranya Hidden Place Hotel: link

    Ordos Smart Sports Park: link



  • Meet | PLAT ASIA 2024


    (Click the following picture for the details about PLAT ASIA’s 2024) only in Chinese

  • Media | Chairman Bian Baoyan made a speech and revealed the scheme of Volcano Visitor Center at Xilinhot tourism IP release conference 2024


  • Projects | XIAOBANG SINCE 1999 HUNAN CUISINE has been completed and open to the public in January


  • Awards | Ordos Smart Sports Park won the Outstanding Design in Landscape at Human Settlements and Environment of the Year 2023


  • Media | PLAT ASIA is selected as one of the 2023 Young from gooood; Aranya Hidden Place Hotel is one of the top 24 Interior at gooood


  • Media | Cloud Tea Room attracts reports from international architecture media gooood, designboom, and Divisare


  • Media | International design media gooood, ArchDaily, designboom published the project Ordos Smart Sports Park


  • Forum | Architect Jung Donghyun participate in the Collection of Humanities and Aesthetics in Huzhou host by CAOMUJI and talk the story of project Hill-scape Teahouse


  • Media | PLAT ASIA is selected as one of 30 best architecture firms in Beijing from international influenced design media Architizer


  • Anniversary | The 13th anniversary of PLAT ASIA


  • Publications | Aranya Hidden Place Hotel is published on two international design magazines


  • Media | Seaside Pavilion published on well-known design media gooood


  • Project | Ordos Smart Sports Park is open to citizens


    Photo: Wang Xiaochun

  • Press | The leading design publication throughout the UK and globally, magazine FX reports Xi Garden in Issues 333 (Jul/Aug 2023)


  • Project | Ordos Smart Sports Park would completed soon and open to public in August


    Photo: Designer - Hao Qiang 


  • Media | President Jung attend to the Semi-Final of Chinese Design Elites as one of judge


    Image source: China Design Elites/GZDW


  • Lecture | President Jung made a speech at Zero-Carbon City Exploration Plan & Urban Design Forum


    Image: Design Evolution

  • Project | Restaurant in Sanya has completed the architectural structure


  • Media | Aranya Hidden Place Hotel attract attentions from famous design media from the globe


  • Awards | Xi Garden Art Office won a silver award at the 18th Golden Bund Award


  • Idea Exchange | Prefabricated Architecture Practice


  • Media | President Donghyun JUNG is selected in Designing the Hall of Fame at the 18th CIDF and make a speech in ceremony


  • Awards | Weihe River Landscape Pavilion won a Nomination at SDA 2023 in the Category of Urban Design


  • Project | Aranya Hidden Place Hotel is completed and open to publics in May


    photo: PLAT ASIA

  • Media | Xi Garden art office is published on influential architecture media Archello/Designboom/DINZ/etc.


    Influential architecture media Archello , Designboom & DINZ shared the project Xi Garden Art Office designed by PLAT ASIA ndn lab.


  • Project | Museum of costume culture is break out recently


    image source: construction contractor

  • Design Week | President Jung is invited as a judge for Chinese Design Elites at GZDW


    Picture source: GZDW

  • Media | PLAT ASIA is selected as one of 25 best architecture firms in Beijing by Archello


    PLAT ASIA is selected as one of 25 best architecture firms in Beijing.

  • Party | PLAT ASIA have a great mountain-view journey in spring


  • Project | Chairman Bian visit the construction site of the project Yanguan Fujiaqiao Hotel


  • Media | Nandin, partner of PLAT ASIA, as a major role joined the series of documentary: < Back to home not only 100 reasons>


    (Click the link go to watch origin movie on Tencent Video: https://v.qq.com/x/cover/mzc00200m8xtzb0/i00458pd8hp.html)Only in Chinese

  • Awards | Weihe River Landscape Pavilion won a bronze in architecture at IDA Design Awards 2022


  • Foresee | PLAT ASIA 2023


    (Click the following picture for the details about PLAT ASIA’s 2023) only in Chinese

  • Project | Seaside hotel in Qinhuangdao is under construction


  • Project | Hongxing complex and exhibition center has completed the major structure


  • Project | Yanguan Fujiaqiao Hotel is under construction


  • Medias | Chairman Bian Baoyang share the design concept of the project volcano resort planning and hotel


  • Project | Kangbashi Sports Park is Under Construction


  • Award | Weihe River Landscape Pavilion won a Winner at BLT Built Design Awards 2022


    Weihe River Landscape Pavilion won a Winner in Architectural Design-Recreational at BLT Built Design Awards 2022.


  • Media | Weihe River Landscape Pavilion is completed and attract attentions from design media worldwide


    Weihe River Landscape Pavilion is reported by Gooood, Designboom, ArchiPosition, Hhlloo, Designverse, Archello, Shejiceng, Archilovers, etc.



  • Idea exchange | Applications of AI in architecture design


  • Honor | Dujiangyan Forest Resort Hotel has been shortlisted at The Plan Award 2022


  • Press | Lushan West Sea Art Center is reported by INHERITAGE magazine in subject DYNAMIC DIALOGUE


  • Interview | Architect Nandin is interviewed by Global Times talk about contemporary architecture creation in steppe


  • Media | Project Super high-rise and business district planning of Daminggong is paid attention by Rethinking the Future, the most influenced international architectural Media based in India


  • Media | Aranya Zhenziwei Restaurant is reported by Gooood / Designcool / Archello which have good impact in design industry


  • Project | Weihe River Landscape Pavilion would opened to public in Spring


  • Honor | PLAT ASIA is awarded 2021 Best Scheme Design Architects by COLI for Lushan West Sea Art Center


  • Lecture | Unbuilt: Lecture record at GZDW from DH JUNG


    Click the following picture find the full lecture in Chinese (Photo: IAF@2021GZDW)

  • Idea Exchange | Happy Hour: Digital colors in Design


  • Publication | Lushan West Sea Art Center is published in id+c magazine in NO. 330


  • Idea Exchange | Happy Hour: Imagine architectures in view of Metaverse


  • Interview | IAF made an interview with architect DH Jung in GZDW 2021


    Click the following picture find the full interview contents in Chinese. (Photo: IAF)

  • Review | PLAT ASIA: Gatherings in 2021


    Click the following picture for the details about PLAT ASIA's 2021. (Only in Chinese)

  • Idea Exchange | Happy Hour: Building Materials in 2021 GZDW


  • Speech @ Design Week | Architect Jung made a speech “Design Unbuilt” at IAF in 2021 GZDW


  • Project | PLAT ASIA atelier d design for CIVRO exhibition space entitled “FRAMES” in the second year


  • Judge | Dr. Jung as the global judge participate in the G+Awards in 2021 GZDW


  • Awards | Lushan West Sea Art Center win the honor award at the 6th REARD GLOBAL DESIGN AWARD


  • Idea Exchange | Happy Hour: Landscape style



  • Interview | Progressive design media SHIJISHIJI interviewed Chairman Bian Baoyang


    Click the following picture for a full video interview in Chinese. (Photo: SHIJISHIJI)

  • Project | Aranya forest restaurant is completed and took in use


  • Anniversary | PLAT ASIA Celebrates the 11th Anniversary


  • Judge | As an international judge of G+Awards, DH JUNG participate the jury process activity in Hangzhou, Xi’An


  • Speech | President DH JUNG is invited to make a speech INTERPRETING SHANSHUI at JINTENG in Chongqing


  • Video | The video of project LUSHAN West Sea Art Center is announced


    Click the following picture for the project video.

  • Interview | President DH Jung is invited to take an interview with Asia Art Center


    Click the following picture for a full interview in Chinese.

  • Project | Beidaihe seaside cabin renovation is completed and took in use


  • Project | Xarmuren Hasar Silk-Road Dreamland Steppe Resort is completed and opened


  • Idea Exchange | Architect Nandin share the project Silk-Road Dreamland Resort in YUANYE International architectural design sharing meeting


    Nandin, architect, design director, and partner of PLAT ASIA; is invited to share the idea about the project Silk-Road Dreamland Steppe Resort, as a principal architect lead PLAT ASIA Team completed this incredible steppe project.

    The design concept derived from the aesthetics of the steppe; combined the phenomenon wind, water, grass, cloud, sky, applied and designed for people’s experience.

    The commenters Ms. Liu from OBERMEYER made talks with Nandin about two questions: where to do design in a different city for a common Mongolian culture? What’s the idea about the high-tech in nowadays influence the concept of FUTURE MONGOLIA? The nomadic culture is a contemporary rebirth and it could translate different ways to urban architecture, and satisfied for a better living environment for local peoples. According to the digital era, FUTURE MONGOLIA just is proposed for show and create a more convenient and technology world for steppe livers, it belongs to the origins of this concept. (Host/Poster: Global Design.cn)


  • Projects | PLAT ASIA completed the first concept design of Fujiaqiao Hotel


  • Awards | Dujiangyan Forest Resort Hotel wins the Finalist (Unbuilt hospitality) in 2021 Architizer A+Awards


  • Project | Aranya Seafood Hot Pot Forest Restaurant is under construction




  • Idea Exchange | Dr. Jung took a speech on SIDW 2021 IFI-WID in Shanghai


  • Seminar | PLAT ASIA make a design seminar with professors majored in Wangguowei in TsingHua University


  • Project | LUSHAN west sea art center is completed and host an opening ceremony


  • Project | Asia Art Center (Beijing) Space Design is completed and opening in 798 Art District, Beijing, April 24th


    Click the following picture for the details about project. (Only in Chinese)

  • Projects | PLAT ASIA would design for a new desert hot spring hotel featured in sustainability for future


  • Project | Art Studio Office in Beijing is Under Construction


  • Project | Seaside Cabin Renovation is under construction


  • Review | PLAT ASIA: Diversity in 2020


    Click the following picture for the details about PLAT ASIA’s 2020. (Only in Chinese)

  • Award | The Project “Hyperion International Group Beijing Office” is awarded Selected Works of KUKAN Design Award 2020 in Japan


  • Project | CIVRO Exhibition Space is completed at 2020 Guangzhou Design Week


    Click the following picture for the details of project. (Only in Chinese)

  • Salon | Modernity and Orientalism


    Click the following picture for the full talks in Chinese.

  • Lecture | Chairman Mr. Bian is invited to make a lecture “Practice of design for a good quality of life in western China” in school of urban design Wuhan University


    Click the following picture for the full text of lecture in Chinese.

  • Projects | COLI Lushan Xihai art center is break out in recently


  • Idea Exchange | Sharing Session - Library: 《Collection: Furniture of Ming Dynasty》(Wang ShiXiang)


  • Lecture | Architects DH Jung is invited to take a lecture in Nanning hosted by Tencent Design


  • Lecture | Architect DH Jung attend the tour forum of IAF 2020 in Changsha and make a speech about unpractical projects


  • Projects | Chengdu Wuhou Academy is under construction


  • Award | PLAT ASIA is awarded Beijing’s Most Outstanding Architecture Practice of the year 2020 by BUILD Magazine


    The BUILD MAGAZINE based in UK announced the winners list of the Design and Build Awards, PLAT ASIA is awarded Beijing’s Most Outstanding Architecture Practice of the year 2020. In recent years, PLAT ASIA practiced in various types of building, includes landmark recreation projects, space projects, public and leisure architecture, etc. We explores to the nature of architecture and responsibility of architects, resolves the social problems. BUILD Magazine (Online Publications) reported us in the issue of Q2, 2020.


  • Projects | Xarmuren Hasar Steppe City updated the construction status


  • Projects | Chunmuyuan lakeside commercial town is broken out in April


  • Review | PLAT ASIA in 2019


    Click the following picture for the details about PLAT ASIA’s 2019. (Only in Chinese)

  • Activity | PLAT ASIA Team visit to the Forbidden City and explore the mystery of ancient Chinese architecture


  • Speech | Dr. Jung took a speech in Forecast the future - YANJIE talks annual summit


  • Forum | Dr. Jung take a speech about designing in eastern in the 15th CIDF international creative design subjective forum


  • Publication | Forest Dining Club is published on 2019 China Interior Design Annual


  • Media | Dr. Jung is invited to take a speech in the 6th CAOMUJI culture tour


  • Idea Exchange | Xarmuren Hasar City Project Sharing Session


  • Lecture | DH Jung take a lecture: design by natural logic


  • Idea Exchange | DH Jung is invited to Contemporary Design Transform Oriental Culture International Exchange Forum


  • Idea Exchange | The book of XINJING


  • Speech | Dr. Jung make a speech in Asian architectural society exchange summit 2019 in Guiyang


  • Anniversary | PLAT ASIA Celebrates the 9th Anniversary


    Click the following picture about travel in ceremony day.

  • Media | Dr. Jung is invited to join a designer talks in Roca Beijing Gallery


  • Speech | Reorganize eastern design between real and virtual


  • Series Speeches | DH Jung is invited to talk about his space design concept in major and potential city includes Beijing, Xi’an, Guiyang, Jinan


  • Press | Professional South Korean Magazine INTERIORS reported an interview to DH Jung and his selected works


    Click the following picture for a full interview published in magazine.

  • Idea Exchange | The Freshmen of CAFA had a visit to PLAT ASIA


    Click the following picture for the details in opening day. (Only in Chinese)

  • Announcement | PLAT ASIA successfully register the trade mark in mainland China and HongKong of China


  • Press | Xiangshawan desert lotus hotel is published on Landscape Design magazine


  • Project | Hyperion International Group Beijing Office is completed


  • Idea Exchange | A Design Agora about Graduation Design


  • Idea Exchange | Reading sharing of the book: Education of Desire (Kenya Hara)


  • Media | Dr. Jung take a speech on PechaKuchaBeijing 2019 Forum


  • Exhibition | Dr. Jung exhibits an installation in 2019 Design Beijing Exhibition


  • Speech | Dr. Jung is invited to make a keynote speech in Hotel Plus 2019 International Building & Interior Design Forum


  • Speech | Dr. Jung made a lecture on 2019 CADEX Forum in Shanghai


  • Media | Forest Dining Club wins: Best Design of the Year - Restaurant in 2018 JINTANG PRIZE


  • Idea Exchange | Riding Club Project Sharing Session


  • Review | PLAT ASIA in 2018


     Click the following picture for the details about PLAT ASIA’s 2018. (Only in Chinese)


  • Media | Forest Dining Club is selected in Design Power 100 in 2018


  • Idea Exchange | Aesthetics in Chinese Character


  • Program | PLAT ASIA’s new project 7 leaves Bodhi desert hotel be released


  • Idea Exchange | Architects in the media era


  • Idea Exchange | Zen and Japanese Culture


  • Media | PLAT ASIA wins the 3rd REARD real estate star design award – Bronze Award


  • Lecture | DH JUNG Takes a lecture in Zhulong study group


  • Media | PLAT ASIA wins 2018 Jin Teng Award – the best restaurant space design


  • Media | 2018 International Real-Estate & Design Professional Forum


  • Idea Exchange | Oriental Architecture and Natural Life


  • Idea Exchange | Forest Dining Club Project Sharing Session 4


  • Idea Exchange | Eastern Idea - Talk to nature 3


  • Idea Exchange | Masterplan in Countryside and City


  • Exchange | PLAT ASIA have a chat with FangTang Think Tank


  • Media | PLAT ASIA wins two awards in 2018 DJSER CONGRESS


  • Project | Aranya forest dining club has been completed and would be open to public


  • Media | Mr. DH Jung in CHAT 2018


  • Project | Cliff hotel is located in Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang


  • Lecture | “Nature” and Our Architecture


  • Media | PLAT ASIA wins 2017-2018 China Real Estate Design Award - Golden Award




    Honor link: Lotus Hotel


  • Idea Exchange | Reading Session – A short history of Chinese philosophy


  • Idea Exchange | Forest Dining Club Project Sharing Session 3


  • Idea Exchange | Eastern Idea – Talk to nature 2


  • Idea Exchange | Tongji International Construction Festival


  • Idea Exchange | Reading Session – The TAO of Physics


  • Activity | PLAT ASIA architects visited to the CITIC Tower and acknowledged the construction points in Beijing


  • Idea Exchange | Forest Dining Club Project Sharing Session 2


  • Media | PLAT ASIA wins first prize for TESE Design, National Architecture Institute of China


  • Idea Exchange | Eastern idea - Talk to nature 1


  • Idea Exchange | From design to research: recording rural construction


  • Idea Exchange | Art Work - “Thousands miles of mountains and rivers”




    In the official announcement of German Design Council on 20th Oct, 2017, Xiangshawan Lotus Hotel designed by PLAT ASIA was honored with GERMAN DESIGN AWARD-WINNER 2018. Established in 1953, German Design Award has been the top of crème in German design industry, attracting competitive candidates all over the world, and hence has been addressed as Award of Award.

    Honor link: Lotus Hotel

  • Idea Exchange | Reading Session - Lob des Schattens


    The reading session this month was held by designer Li Jianxin, who shared with us the theory of spatial aesthetics refined by Japanese author Tanizaki Junichiro, which was extended to the realm of the difference of western and eastern aesthetics as well as future architecture development. “Aesthetics, do not exist in being, but shadow of being”. In the book, the author clarifies that in Japanese culture, aesthetics of architecture are created in a delicate and subtle way, which differs from the baldness and straightforwardness of western architecture.


    After the introduction of the era in which the author lived in by Mr. Huang, the splash set by the intruding western culture in the tranquil Japanese culture became more tangible and comprehensible. Last but not the least, Dr. Jung and Mr. Bian both stated that as architects, we should shoulder the responsibility of passing on the oriental culture and aesthetic spirit.


  • Idea Exchange | Forest Dining Club Project Sharing Session 1


    With the purpose of both individual and team development, PLAT ASIA starts a whole new activity-Project Experience Sharing Session. During the 1st session, senior designer Liu Guowei shared the details of the ongoing project-Forest Dining Club, including the initial design concept, scheme design and design development. During the session, team members who have not participated in the project also shared their thoughts and generated new possibilities for the project.




    During the award ceremony of Iconic Awards 2017 held by German Design Council, PLAT ASIA was honored with ICONIC AWARDS 2017-BEST OF BEST.


    Iconic Awards is a design competition held by German Design Council, aiming at discovering innovative designs with trans-disciplinary qualities and fostering international communication among the disciplines of architecture, interior and product design.  

    Honor link: Lotus Hotel

  • Idea Exchange | PLAT ASIA 7 Year Anniversary Interim Meeting


    Until 26th, Sep, 2017, PLAT ASIA has been founded for 7 years. We celebrated the start of the 8th year with the new working environment and atmosphere.


    During the interim meeting, Chairman Mr. Bian Baoyang made a conclusion for the past year’s work and set new goals for the year to come. President Dr. Donghyun Jung set a blue print for the future prosperity, after which vice-president Mr. Seungbo Ryu and all intermediate designers shared their thoughts about design and future prospects. In the year to come, PLAT ASIA would make more transitions for future development.


  • Talk | 798 Art Festival-DPU 2017


    On 18th, Sep, 2017, PLAT ASIA president Dr. Donghyun Jung shared with designers of various disciplines about his views of sustainable urban design, with Xiangshawan Desert Hotel as the example. PLAT ASIA has extended the future urban development to the neglected desert area, exploring the possibility of constructing net-carbon footprint and self-supporting desert architecture, making desert city a tangible future. 

  • Media | PLAT ASIA was honored with Award of Commendation in the 9th Weihai International Architecture Design Competition


    Xiangshawan Lotus Hotel, which was designed through PLAT ASIA’s exploration of future urban development, was honored with Award of Commendation in the 9th Weihai International Architecture Design Competition. The competition was held by Architectural Society of China, Shandong Housing Development Board and Urban Redevelopment Authority. There is a total of 2 Gold Awards, 5 Silver Awards, 11 Bronze Awards and 99 Awards of Commendation.


    With the constant urban expansion in China, PLAT ASIA believes that desert, this long forgotten portion of terrain, bears the future trend of urban development, and Xiangshawan Lotus Hotel, therefore, would be the turning point of the urban expansion even in next generations. Herewith, PLAT ASIA would continue to create architecture with high social values. 

  • Exhibitions | Dr. Donghyun Jung, president of PLAT ASIA was invited to 100 Architects of the year International Exhibition 2017 held by UIA


    On 5th, Nov, 2017, Xiangshawan Lotus Hotel by Dr. Donghyun Jung enters 100 Architects of the year International Exhibition 2017 held by UIA.

    UIA is an influential international architect association, which emphasizes architectural performance in sustainability, perseverance in social and cultural value, as well as its relationship with the common. The association has also put extensive efforts in improvement of living conditions, intervention of different ethnic groups and pursuit of social development, through the reconstruction of destroyed cities and villages.

  • Project | Beijing 798 Stage CAFÉ is completed


  • Program | PLAT ASIA wins the bid of service architecture design project in Weihe


  • Program | Aranya Restaurant Breaks Ground


  • Program | PLAT ASIA wins the bid of landscape design project along railway in Xi'an


  • Exchange | Grid systems


  • Media | PLAT ASIA enters Architectural Society of China Award


    As a young architecture design studio, PLAT ASIA enters Architectural Society of China Award 2016(Public Session), outpaced a considerable number of design institutes with its high standard of design flair. The competition was held by Architectural Society of China branch office and Architecture Technique. There is a total of 19 Gold Awards, 51 Silver Awards and 79 Awards for Nomination.


    In the backdrop of unprecedented social transition, PLAT ASIA, as a design team, has shouldered the responsibility of discovering the transient oriental culture through the vicissitude of time and passing on the invaluable culture to next generations. In the future, PLAT ASIA would continue the exploration of high-standard designs.


  • Program | Xiangshawan lotus hotel would be open to public


  • Exchange | FangTang Think Tank have a conversation with PLaT


  • Exhibition | Architecture China 1000


  • Exchange | Architects of Mongolia architecture association visit to PLaT


  • Lecture | 3rd Dialogue of Architecture & Technique: Build Beauty


  • Lecture | A tour to Mogolia and a lecture: next landscape


  • Exchange | Dialogue with young architect Qv Zhi


  • Exhibition | DONGXI - Young Chinese, Janpanese, Korean Architecs: Exhibition of Work - China


  • HAPPY HOUR | Share ideas from French overseas students


  • HAPPY HOUR | SHARE: French designer Philippe Starck


  • HAPPY HOUR | Share ideas from Janpanese intern architects


  • PLaT Annual Conference


  • Idea Exchange | Reading: Summary, prospect and share


  • HAPPY HOUR | Share ideas from Suzhou architect Ping Jiahua


  • HAPPY HOUR | Share a journey to Europe from Mr. Bian


  • Idea Exchange | Reading:《Collage City 2nd》


  • Idea Exchange | Reading:《 Collage City 1st》


  • Idea Exchange | HAPPY HOUR: TOPIC - Frank Gary


  • Idea Exchange | Reading:《city》


  • Idea Exchange | 2013 Seto Arts Festival


  • Reading Seminar | The death and life of great American cities


  • Discussion | Back to origin - An investagation to Greece


    In the afternoon of June 19th, architect Su Zhen in PLaT Architects shared his observation and study in ten-days architecture field trip in Greece.

    Mr. Su showed us the projects that we only had access from books, and also the lives of local people, especially architects. In the discussion, we shared our opinions on architectures of Greek culture, which is the origin of western architecture. In the mean while, we also tried to find out the origin of architecture in the eastern culture.

    Discussion seminars give us opportunities to learn different knowledge and experience every time.


  • Activity | Mr.SHUHEI ENDO visiting PLaT Architects


    In response to the invitation of Mr. Maeda, famous Japanese contemporary architect Mr. SHUHEI ENDO visited PLaT Architects yesterday.

    Dr. Jung and Mr. Maeda showed Mr.ENDO some projects in China of recent years in detail. Mr.  ENDO was very interested in the projects as well as the working methodology of PLaT Architects. He brought out some thoughts, and expressed his hope in further discussion with PLaT Architects  on topics of Chinese culture and environment, and cultural difference, etc.

    Afterwards, Mr. Bian exchanged gifts with our Japanese friends and took pictures.


  • Program | PLaT Architects’ project winning the bid of CBD urban planning in the Jinghe new district in Xi’an


    Congratulations on Huachengboyuan Architecture and PLaT Architects’ cooperative project winning the bid of CBD urban planning in the Jinghe new district in Xi’an.

    Jinghe new district is a national urban development plan to the north of Xixian new area. CBD is 2.8 km2, being the focus of the new district design. There were many design institutes from Suzhou, Zhuangzhou, Singapore and Xi’an itself participated in the bidding. Multiple teams in PLaT worked together on the project in one and a half months, and we won the bidding in jury on May 15th.

    We think that CBD is not only a collection of high density buildings, but also need to realistically consider the emergence of the city, the stage of development, optimal land management, etc. The very center of CBD ought to be public landscape with water for people to relax and have entertainment, instead of buildings. The design of inner ring makes high efficiency of traffic possible, and creates well circulation connections for people to move in between the buildings. Designing for people and bringing people together make CBD energetic.

  • Lecture | Juzheng Huang


    The chief editor of “Architect” magazine Juzheng Huang brought us a lecture with a topic of “the distance between modern architecture and classicism” this afternoon. He discussed Alvar Aalto, Mies Van der Rohe, Le Corbusier and Giuseppe Terragni and their connection with classicism. Following the lecture, he shared his unique perspective towards architecture in China in Q&A, and discussed with architects here.

  • Reading seminar | Radiant City


    Continuing last week’s topic Radiant City by Le Corbusier, we discussed his ideal city intensely. Mr. Maeda brought up different ideas. He thought that Radiant City is not what Corbusier wanted to build in reality, but he was to criticize the materiality through the unrealistic ideas in the society. The purpose is to awake people of the generation, especially architects and planners. Corbusier was examining the society with his foresight, and writing out his belief with passion and creative blue prints.

    After two months of reading and analyzing Le Corbusier, young architects here now have basic ideas about his time and works. We learned from each other by communicating opinions through the two seminars. Also, our reading methodologies have been improved after the recent three seminars as well, which is the goal of PLaT readings seminars.

  • Reading seminar | Corbusier’s city and architecture 1: “Towards New Architecture”


    Last seminar of “Delirious New York” was highly rated by colleagues, and architects were enthusiastic about the series. Therefore we aimed our discussion to another architect--Le Corbusier, and we focused on two of his books for the topic of Corbusier’s city and architecture this week: Towards New Architecture and Radiant City.

    Architect Huang Qingsong hosted this reading seminar and briefly introduced the background, main ideas and influences of Towards New Architecture. In the discussion, architects brought out different opinions about the specifics in the book and its impact on modern architecture. We reached to a conclusion that in order to be an architect who is sensitive to the environmental change, one should be able to challenge the existing tradition while holding on the responsibility to the current society.

  • Lecture | Working Experience in an Architecture Firm


    In the morning of April 12th, PLaT Architects was honored to invite Professor Zo Jinman for a lecture. Prof. Zo got his Bachelor’s degree from Hanyang University and Master’s from Tsinghua University. He was the chief architect in the Beijing office of IROJE Architects, following a position in a famous architecture firm in Netherland for four years. He is currently a professor in Hanyang University.

    Prof. Zo Jinman presented the working environment, process and methodology in the architecture firm in Netherland, and discussed with us. While architects were impressed about the amount of workload on a project, Prof. Zo stated that perfect state of work is not the compiling of time, but the everyday experience contributing to projects bidding and design.

    Architects applauded warmly in the end of the lecture to thank Prof. Zo for the deep and thoughtful lecture.

  • Activity | Happy one hour


    Starting from April 11th, there will be one hour of communication and activities every Thursday afternoon. The arrangement is for people to sit in together and share the fun aspects of design. Dr. Jung hosted the HAPPY ONE HOUR for this week. He discussed the topic of “Eighty Years of Japanese Modern Architecture and Toyo Ito” -- the winner of Pritzker Price 2013, based on his many years of experience in Japan.

  • PLaT Reading Group | Delirious New York


    In the afternoon of January 7th, the reading group lead by Mr. Maeda became an event for PLaT. All architects in PLaT share a great reading discussion group from now on.

    In today’s discussion, Qiao Wenke introduced Delirious New York by Rem Koolhaas. Architects discussed about the background of the book, methodologies, and ambiguous conclusion in the book. Later on, we analyzed specific chapters to understand the architectural language of Koolhaas and the books influence to his later works.

    Many questions were brought out as well, such as strangely written words. We communicated on those difficult chapters, and shared our own ideas, which was tremendously helpful to understanding the book. Also, there were many suggestion and hopes to the reading group and its future.

  • PLaT Seminar | parametric design


    We invited Architect Su Bo of China Architecture Design & Research Group for a lecture concerning parametric design on October 22nd. Mr. Su showed us two projects -- Phoenix International Media Center and Union Life Support Center.

    First of all, Mr. Su demonstrated the design process of Phoenix International Media Center and the parametric skin design and its practice, including software, specs and construction. He then showed us a completely different idea of design in the project of Union Life Support Center, and talked about the future trend in architectural design. Architects actively discussed around parametric design afterwards, and Mr. Su offered answers in detail for our questions.

  • PLaT Seminar | Beijing Design Week: 751D•PARK


    PLaT Architects held a two-hour seminar in 751D·PARK in October 3rd, 2012. Three architects of PLaT: Jung Donghyun, Bian Baoyang, and Su Zhen participated in the discussion, and also invited the chief editor of China Construction News—Ma Shenghong. The first part of the seminar was Dr. Jung Donghyun’s lecture, titled in “Augmented Ground”. He mainly talked about PLaT Architects’ philosophy and thoughts in architecture and projects. The second part of the seminar was a discussion around specific problems of architecture, society and urban condition. Three architects as well as Editor Ma talked about the current architectural environment in China and some recent projects and constructions in depth. Audiences actively proposed questions about other topics and their thoughts about architects such as I.M.Pei and Shu Wang. 

  • PLaT Lecture | Skyscrapers


    On May 30th, PLaT was honored to have Scott Sarvet, American architect and the Chief of smdp ,

    to present a lecture on skyscrapers design.

    Mr. Sarvet introduced skyscrapers projects of SOM and smdp .Explained the basic concepts of 

    their designs, and how the materials are chosen .He also talked about  how they completed the

    design within the regulations and codes.

    Later during the Q&A session, Mr. Sarvet answered the questions from PLaT architects, such as how

    to control the progress of the projects. Also,they had concerns about the techniques of effficient



  • PLaT Seminar | A Study on the Pritzker Prize Winner Wang Shu


    When the announcement that the 2012 Pritzker Prize goes to Wang Shu, the 49-year-old architect and professor of the Architecture School at China Academy of Art was 

    made, people were surprised to realize that masters could be so close to us. Therefore, 

    the topic of the latest PLaT seminar was decided to be a study on Wang Shus works

     and ideas.

    The seminar was held in the afternoon of April 27th. PLaT architect Su Zhen gave a 

    presentation on Wang Shus works and ideas based his study and understanding,

    followed by active discussions among PLaT architects on various subjects such as 

    what made Wang the winner and how his work play a leading role for future

    architecture design.

  • Project | XJW Culture Center Breaks Ground


    XJW Culture Center finally broke ground in March and the foundation is mostly finished by now.

    XJW Culture Center is located in Jungar Banner of Ordos, Inner Mongolia. It is a mixed-use cultural facility including a theatre, five cinemas, the youth culture center, the senior culture center, a museum etc. The floor area is 5746㎡ . It is expected to be completed in 2014.


  • Activity | Final Results of the Ordos Trip Photo Competition


    The Erdos trip Photo Competition has finally come to a conclusion after the vote lasting for a week.

     Among all the contestants, three winners came to the fore. They are Wenke Qiao, Yan Xiong and 

    Xinwei Liu winning the prizes in the categories of Architecture, Nature and People respectively. 

    The winners have  received exquisite gifts from PLaT as award.

    The competition was highly evaluated afterwards since it enabled people to review the sceneries 

    through others’ eyes and to get a better understanding of the architecture and the local culture 

    through others’ thoughts. The posttrip events as well as the warmup seminar made the Erdos trip 

    even more complete and meaningful.

  • PLaT lecture | The Oriental Expression in Modern Visual Art


    In order to get a better understanding of the oriental art history and the connection between 

    architecture and oriental culture as well as to study how the oriental characteristics are conveyed

     in art works, PLaT invited Dr. Yingwen Wu from Central Academy of Fine Arts, the school of liberal art, 

    to give a lecture on the topic of The Oriental Expression in Modern Visual Art.

    The lecture was devided into five sections according to the historical background and style of 

    different modern artists. The detailed introduction on the works of the modern artists including “

    Sidajingang”, Ai Weiwei, Bandi Zhao etc. proved that the key point of appreciating an art piece is to

     understand the historical background and the artist’s idea behind it.

  • Activity | PLaT Salon@ Ordos


    The Ordos trip starting from Mar 28th to Apr 1st came to a conclusion after a series of

    fruitfulvisits and events throughout Inner Mongolia.

    Following the route via Baotou, Dongsheng, Nuanshui, Kangbashi, Wuhai, Yinchuan,

     the group visited the completed and onsite projects by PLaT architects as well as

     the vernacular architecture and historic sites such as the Aerzhai Grottos and the

     Western Xia tombs which greatly represented the life of local residents and their

     specific culture.

  • PLaT Seminar | Ordos Culture


    March 23rd, Mr. Bian gave PLaT architects a brief introduction of the culture of Ordos, on which he did

     in-depth study and had a thorough understanding. This seminar turned out to be a great warm-    up for the group architectural trip to Erdos on March 28th.

    During the seminar, Mr. Bian introduced the geolocation of Ordos, as well as the topography, the river 

    systemand the historic sites etc. Later on, Mr. Bian specifically focused on the local religions and culture 

    of Inner Mongolia, which enhanced the awareness of the relations between architecture and culture 

    among the architects. The seminarhas given PLaT architects a better understanding on the site and 

    made the upcoming trip seem even more intriguing.


  • Exchange | Janpanese intern architects


    February 27th, 2012, two students from The University of Shiga Prefecture, Japan, started their summer i

    nternship in PLaT with a seminar introducing their current program, studio works, curriculum provision, 

    and the purpose of this intern trip.

    The seminar generated active interaction addressing the issues of design approaches, design techniques

    and so forth.

  • PLaT Exchange


    The latest regular PLaT exchange was held on February 13th, 2012.The seminar went fairly well thanks 

    to the effortless preparation made by the PLaT staff. Several  representatives of the company gave

     introspective reviews on the complete projects, which led to active responses and intense discussions.

    Topics and Arrangement

    Qt: The identity of PLaT; Proposal for the landscape of XSW Hotel

    Bby: Qualities of PLaT

    Qwk: Reflections

    Sz: summary of the PSY project

    Xy: summary of the HT Elementary School

  • PLaT Lecture | Comparison Between Eastern and Western Culture and Architecture


    On Jan 18th 2012, we were honored to have Mr. Luo Zhongzhao, well-known architect and urban planner of contemporary China, to give us a lecture on the Comparison Between Eastern and Western Culture and Architecture.

     Mr. Luo introduced the similarities and differences between eastern and western culture and architecture through detailed comparisons from the perspectives of philosophy, civilization and techniques respectively.

    The feedbacks of PLaT staff have reflected great interests towards the lecture since every single image shown during the lecture was intensively responded and discussed based on individual understanding of architecture and culture.

  • Activity | PLaT mini school


    On the November 28th of 2011, PLaT invited experts from BIM to give a short term training course on design softwares, aiming at improving the design skills of the staff and the quality of the overall layout of the projects.

    The course was divided into two sessions. The first session (from Nov 28th to Dec 9th) involved intense classes while the second session (from Dec 12th to Jan) focused mostly on practice, presentations and feedbacks

    The training course was a successful experience for PLaT since the designing capability of the staff was greatly enhanced, which resulted in higher quality of the projects.

  • PLaT Lecture | View Stones and Chinese Culture


    On the 5th of January, 2012, Mr. Kangyi Hou, the Consultant of the View Stone Association of China and well-known stone connoisseur, was invited to PLaT to deliver a lecture on the subject of View Stones and Chinese Culture.

     Since one of the ongoing projects of PLaT is an exhibition center for view stones, Mr. Hou’s lecture made a good start for us to find out the cultural relation between architecture and the stones and hopefully that will lead to a successful design concept.

     On the Seminar, Mr. Hou gave a detailed introduction on the cultural background and the aesthetic spirit of the view stones and answered the questions regarding view stones and view stone appreciation raised by PLaT staff individually.

     This seminar was a fruitful experience for PLaT not only because it introduced approaches to our project but also offered us a chance to get a better understanding on traditional art and culture.

  • PLaT Annual Conference


    From Dec the 16th to the 17th, the 2011 PLaT Annual Conference was held at Beijing Longxi Hot Spring Resort. During the meeting, Mr. Bian publicly acknowledged the achievement made by PLaT staff members in the past year and announced company’s goals and prospects for the upcoming year. Meanwhile, the PLaT Staff Handbook(trial version) was released containing complete rules and policies of the company. A series of leisure activities were arranged after the meeting, including dinner party, Karaoke, sports games and hot spring spas etc.


  • PLaT Seminar


    On the 11th of November, the latest seminar in PLaT was held on the subject of architectural trips.

    Ms. Chu talked about her own experiences traveling in the US and gave a detailed introduction on American architecture as part of her presentation, which enabled PLaT staff to get a closer view of American architecture. Mr. Bian, Mr. Jung and other PLaT architects also took part in the discussion and shared their own experiences and understandings on architectural trips.

  • PLaT Seminar | Architecture for the elderly


    On the 28th of October, a seminar on architecture for the elderly was held in the conference room by PLaT architects.

    During the seminar, Dr. Jung, the general manager Mr. Li and Mr. Ren gave a presentation about the experiences on the Chinese and Japanese Apartment for the Elderly Forum and the ideas from the study trip in Tokyo. They introduced the original and remarkable designs of service buildings for the elderly in Japan with vivid language and plenty of pictures. The present PLaT architects were greatly impressed by the architectural details and the human-based designs by the Japanese architects. 

    They carried out an active discussion on the comparison between the nursing homes in China and in Japan afterwards and acquired abundant new knowledge from it.


  • Activity | 1st Anniversary of the Establishment of PLaT


    In appreciation of the support from our business partners and fellows, and the brilliant contribution made by our hardworking and creative staff members in the past year, an anniversary party was held in the headquarter of PLaT on Sep 25th. The guests included fellows from architectural institutions and studios. The conversations and discussions on architectural issues between the guests and the PLaT staff throughout the party were favorable. In addition, Bian Baoyang, the CEO of PLaT, publicly acknowledged the unconditional support of fellows from different fields. The guests had dinner with PLaT staff at Lan Club after the party.

  • Activity | 2011 Summer Workshop Comes to a Conclusion


    In the past month, PLaT has witnessed a most active interaction between the five Japanese students and the PLaT staff. The Japanese students participated in the ongoing projects of PLaT under the supervision of Dr. Jung and Mr. Maeda. Meanwhile, they successfully completed the research project of “Beijing Impression” by thoroughly observing, experiencing and documenting the traditional Chinese Residence of Hutong. The students have returned to Japan after the internship.


  • Activity | 2011 Summer workshop program Kick Off!


    This morning, 5 students from Kobe Design University, Japan, started their summer internship in PLaT with a seminar introducing their current program, curriculum provision, studio works, and the purpose of this intern trip.

  • Activity | PLaT Salon@Miyun, Beijing


    A group meeting for PLaT staff was held in Chateau Changyu AFIP, Miyun, through August 8th to August 9th. Issues including our ideals and values, plans and goals were further developed on the meeting. In the spare time, a series of leisure activities were arranged including dinner party, Karaoke, Chateau tour, wine-tasting and grape-picking, which had greatly enhanced the relationship between staff members.